Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kauli's Board

I asked Kauli if he would be interested in trying out one of my quad fin boards. He liked the idea and so here’s are a few pictures of the board I made him. It’s a shape I designed for European conditions so we ‘ll see. The main thing is the quad fin setup, and I’m sure he will love it.


Unknown said...

Nice board you have made. But i wonder why there are several different looking types of this board. Like this: ??

Dirk Vankerschaver said...

Dear Anders,

The board I made Kauli is a board I would like JP to put in production. I believe the quadfin I designed is the perfect board for european conditions that also works well in clean swell. So it was mainly to give Kauli an idea on what the quad can do. The fact that he now has his own boards equiped with quads clearly states that the quad set-up works.